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10 Tips to Know for a Solo Traveler

10 Tips to Know for a Solo Traveler

If you've never found that perfect person, or you are going for business or just want the "alone time," traveling by yourself can be a different experience from traveling with a companion. Be Careful With a Single SupplementSome cruise lines or hotels might require two persons to share the space. If...

How to Make a Great Resume

How to Make a Great Resume

1. Create your resume's formatting and styleBegin your resume by opening a brand new document using your preferred word processor (like Microsoft Word, Google Docs as well as Apple Pages). You can then apply the following format for your resume: Set with 1/2 "-1" inch margins on all sidesEnsure that...

Winter Driving Tips for Truck Drivers

Winter Driving Tips for Truck Drivers

If temperatures drop to five degrees and above, even the best truckers may struggle to navigate the slippery roads. Insufficient visibility and reduced traction can make the work of a big-rig driver very difficult.Inspect Your VehicleMaking sure your truck is prepared for winter is vital to avoid an...

Integrating International Students into Your Class: 10 Ways to Smooth the Transition

Integrating International Students into Your Class: 10 Ways to Smooth the Transition

Although studying abroad may be the fulfillment of a long-awaited dream International students during their first semester might encounter stress of adjustment that goes beyond the normal things that new students face. The process of adjusting to a new culture can be stressful, as we have seen from ...

How to Discover Your Dream Job and not End Up Being Disappointed?

How to Discover Your Dream Job and not End Up Being Disappointed?

If you're young enough, you probably remember being worried about not knowing any specific answers when someone asked you what you would do for your first, or even ideal, job. And this is completely expected: the majority of us don't choose a career of our dreams straight out of college or decide on...

What is content intelligence: The future of content marketing

What is content intelligence: The future of content marketing

Digital marketers have been proclaiming for years that content is king. And the more content you generate, be it blog posts or videos, the higher you would rise in search engine rankings and the more natural visitors you would receive. How about the truth?Your target audience now has access to more ...

The 5 Best CMS Platforms of 2022

The 5 Best CMS Platforms of 2022

Digital platforms are essential to sustain a business in this new age of technology. Enterprises require a thriving website to showcase their services and products online. Small and emerging companies would like to design a brand new website but don't wish to go through creating code. Some establish...